High performance is one sign of a successful business professional. Peak performance requires a high level of energy, and few things drain energy quicker than a lack of sleep. As much as you wish for more hours in the day, there is no getting around your need for sleep. Sleep is as essential to your well being and business success as a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Restless Energy
A study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found almost 70 per cent of Americans reported insufficient sleep at least once during a 30-day period. More than 50 per cent of each ethnic group surveyed in the National Sleep Foundation’s 2009 Sleep in America™ poll agreed the lack of sleep impacted their job performance as well as their home and personal life.
Sleep deprivation creates a Catch-22 of sleep-related disorders that can affect your health or lead to health conditions that affect sleep and it leaves you drained both physically and mentally. This is dangerous – to you and even those around you; we’ve have all heard stories of accidents caused by someone who was sleep-deprived.
Sleep Well
The occasional lack of sleep happens to everyone. It’s what you do about it that keeps the problem from becoming a chronic one.
Prevention is the best medicine. Make sure you are taking care of your total health with good nutrition, fitness, skin care and brain exercise. When you do experience a lack of sleep, don’t ignore it until it becomes a serious problem.
If you encounter a problem in your business, you look for the source; that’s how you learn from your mistakes and fix the problem. The same is true with lost sleep. If you detoured from a healthy diet or exercise program, get back on track. If your business is unavoidably stressful, don’t skip your scheduled time for yourself. Yoga, meditation and other healthy activities plug you back into your energy source.
You look for balance in your business and personal life. Lack of sleep disrupts that balance, disconnecting you from your peak performance. Work on nutrition, total body and brain fitness for a more restful and peaceful night’s sleep. You’ll wake up feeling energized and ready to be the best you can be. Restore your balance for good health and business success. Your satisfaction in achievement is something to celebrate so plug into success today.