Sano Tint

Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy

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SanoTint Another Safer Hair Dye

This is probably more me just giving you a heads up on another safer hair dye than a product review because I bought SanoTint, did my patch test and went no further.

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SanoTint was my latest attempt at testing out safer permanent products to color hair. This hair dye does contain natural ingredients and as with most permanent hair coloring products, chemicals but the chemical ingredients used are better than many brands of hair color – no or low ppd, no ammonia, parabens, heavy metals, etc.

SanoTint comes in several different formulas. One with low levels of ppd, one without ppd and a lightening kit. I chose the one without ppd, SanoTint Light. I was excited to find another hair dye that will work for me because of course I'm thinking it is the ppd that causes me problems. Right?…… Wrong. I'll be darned but something else in these products bother me.

I am embarrassed to admit but I was tempted to skip the patch test before using this product. I know…. but then I realized I would not be able to face you all if I had but I honestly thought without ppd it would be fine. Anyway, I did my patch test strictly as a formality you know and was so surprised to experience burning and itching. What the heck! I am so glad I did not use this all over my head.

My first thought was that there was a mistake and I had the wrong formula but nope that's not it. So, now what's the problem?

The next ingredient I had to consider was the hydrogen peroxide. The product I have been using for awhile now without any issue is Palette by Nature and there is no hydrogen peroxide in it. Before that I was using Tints of Nature without any problems but it contains pharmacuetical grade hydrogen peroxide so either I have become more sensitive to hydrogen peroxide or it's something else. I'll have to experiment a little more to figure this out.

For you however, SanoTint is another product to consider if you are trying to find a safer hair colorant or you want to try a product without ppd. Just please do your patch test first each and every time you color. My experience is just my experience. This product did not work out for me but it might for you….

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