Chances are if you're interested in reading this book, you've got something of a sweet (or salty?) tooth. That's all right – we do too!
We're not going to tell you that it's wrong to eat ice cream, that French fries are bad for you, or that you need to ban all cookies from your diet. That's not what this book is about. Instead, we're here to tell you there are many yummy alternatives available, made with much better quality ingredients. You can have your cake and eat it too. Think of this book as a way of getting your junk food fix without all the unhealthy stuff.
The truth is, there are no shortcuts to healthy eating. But it really is easier than you may think. Once you understand the basics of good nutrition, you'll know how to interpret what's listed on a food label and how to focus on what's important.
The key is to know how to decipher the nutrition label. Instead of immediately looking at the quantity (calories, fat, and serving size), look first at the quality of the ingredients (nutrients, chemical preservatives, artificial additives, and food colorings). Although junk food can evoke warm and fuzzy feelings, many of our favorite snack foods are filled with artificial, unhealthy, and sometimes dangerous ingredients.
Of course, eating healthier junk food isn't a license to eat as much of it as you want; as always, moderation is key. Happy munching and crunching!