[Snickerdoodles from BHG Cookbook]
It’s that time of year!!! I love to bake and I bake every year. 2010 has been a year of a lot of baby steps and changes for us regarding our nutrition. But, every year I bake some of the same things [cookies] and have had the same requests this year. Oh no! What do I do?! Modify!
We don’t like to eat bleached enriched white flour (or whatever it’s called) at our house! At. All. So, the first change I make to EVERY recipe is to add in Whole Wheat Flour for the white flour. Many recipes sub half and half. I don’t. I just sub it all. You’ll want to use a teeny bit less WW flour for the white stuff!
Lard. Ew. I have tried other substitutions for crisco and nothing really seems to work but the organic shortening I find at the health food stores by Spectrum. Subbing in other fats changes the consistency too much and the whole cookie is changed! It’s not ideal, but it’s better than crisco.
Butter. Eat the real stuff! I’m a big proponent of NOT eating “diet foods.” I think the real stuff is better than the fake stuff. It just makes more sense to me, personally. So, we made the switch this year to real butter from margarine. And, I do this with all of my recipes.
Sugar. Here’s where we have a problem. I have a hard time with this one. Refined sugar. Bad. Other sugars. Not that great. Natural sweeteners. Better. So, with modifying recipes this one is tough and honestly, I often leave the refined sugar alone b/c it’s harder to sub. Turbinado sugar is a great substitute but it’s consistency is different [it's whole, not refined] so it’s hard.
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