I had the opportunity to meet Marla and her daughter Tiffany at a charity event in LA in June. Not only is Marla strikingly beautiful on the outside, she is just as, if not more beautiful on the inside. Here is what we spoke about:
Naturally Savvy Guide, Andrea Donsky: I would love to begin the interview by having you tell me a little bit about yourself – who you are and what you would say your purpose is in this lifetime?
Marla Maples: I’ve been on a mission for years to help people feel and look better about themselves. I also love to teach people how to have more energy and be more joyful. I believe in the whole Mind, Body & Spirit connection. Life is really about the flow we create in the universe and around us. It’s not just one aspect that makes us healthy – we have to take care of ourselves from the inside out. I really want be the best human being I can be.
Andrea Donsky: Your spirituality is inspiring. I once heard you say that “our thoughts are very important in creating the way we look”. Can you please elaborate on this a little bit?
Marla Maples: Years ago when I was just out of college I was about 25 lbs heavier than I am now. I tried so many diets and exercise fads but what really helped me to get into my best shape was to include visualization in my process. I would see and “feel” myself running down the beach with limitless energy, feeling strong, healthy and vibrant. I have used this technique in sports, rush hour and in beauty. Believe your thoughts with absolute certainty and remember to make them positive ones!
Andrea Donsky: How do you maintain balance in your life?
Marla Maples: I believe in taking silent time, prayer time, to connect to the bigger picture and beyond. Tiffany and I meditate together every morning and night. I believe it is so important to teach our children to trust their intuition and trust the choices they make. This quiet meditation time helps to create greater intuition and as I like to say, helps us walk the path God has placed before us.
The teachings of Kabbalah are one of the paths I include in my whole belief system. Kabbalah helps me be a more sharing person, a less reactive one and to learn to take responsibility for situations in life.
Andrea Donsky: From what I understand you are a very healthy person. Does lifestyle extend into the type of food you are eating? For example, do you eat natural and / or organic food?
Marla Maples: I eat organically as much as possible, and keep an organic garden. I am mostly vegetarian and was a strict vegetarian for about seven years. However, nowadays I will eat meat on occasion (maybe once or twice a month). My body does well with the occasional organic steak, lamb or chicken. I am also dairy-free as I realized at 16 that my body both internally and externally had negative reactions to milk products. And oh how I loved them!! Most of all, I try and listen to my body and eat what it tells me to eat. Our bodies have such inner wisdom.
Andrea Donsky: Being dairy-free is a difficult task. I did it for a year and found it very trying as dairy is found in so many different products.
Marla Maples: Dairy is very difficult to leave out at first, believe me I had horrible skin reactions in college because I just threw myself into pizzas as an emotional reaction to school pressure. But I would awake bloated and with breakouts that just wouldn’t cover with makeup. Now I understand the consequences and I truly want to look and feel my best! My skin and digestion are better and everything flows properly when I am not eating dairy. I just love almond milk and rice milk!
Andrea Donsky: For 14 years old, your daughter seems very mature. What would you say are some of the greatest lessons she has taught you?
Marla Maples: Tiffany is such an amazing inspiration to me. She teaches me how to be present. I watch how quick she is growing up and I try to be there and be present for her. She teaches me the importance of listening to one another, staying tuned in. She also teaches me focus. Tiffany is a very focused person and she is helping me to zero in on my greatest talents and on what’s most important. She is an amazing gift and I am very blessed that we are there for each other.
Andrea Donsky: When I met you in LA, you showed your support for Interface Foundation and Naturally Savvy’s initiative to create Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for “Stop Hunger Now”. What are some other ways you believe in giving back?
Marla Maples: I believe that the greatest happiness in life is through sharing. I support organizations such as “Spirituality for Kids Foundation” and “American Family Housing”. Both of these organizations are close to my heart and are giving children and families opportunities to create more meaningful and proactive lives. You can learn more about these organizations and others on my website under Awakenings.
To learn more about Marla Maples, Click Here.
To view the “Stop Hunger Now” PSA, Click Here.