What Is Holistic Law?

Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy

Posted with permission from the International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers (IAHL):

Holistic law is hard to define. It often seems more a process than a particular method of practicing law. However, there seem to be some common threads among holistic lawyers, which may lead to a practical definition of holistic law. IAHL weaves these threads together and finds that many of its members are committed to "PEACELAW" as defined below:

P romote peaceful advocacy and holistic legal principles.

Encourage compassion, reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing.

Advocate the need for a humane legal process.

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Contribute to peace building at all levels.

Enjoy the practice of law.

Listen intentionally and deeply in order to gain complete understanding.

Acknowledge the opportunity in conflict.

Wholly honor and respect the dignity and integrity of each individual.

For more information, visit www.iahl.org.

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