The word "sexy" is an adjective to describe a sexually appealing person (or thing). I personally have an expanded meaning to feeling sexy: It's igniting both your inner and outer sexy. Your inner sexy includes your positive self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image, owning your personal power, and uncovering your hidden passions. Your outer sexy includes, healthy eating, exercise, and your self-image. Your outer sexy can come naturally once you ignite your inner sexy. Sexy must first come from within before it can be seen on the outside, because when you feel sexy on the inside it automatically manifests on the outside.
Think about it this way: When a person is anxious or depressed, their shoulders are down, they slouch, they don’t have a smile on their face, and they tend to wear frumpy clothes. On the other hand, when a person is feeling happy, confident, standing in their power, and full of life, it radiates on the outside. They are continuously smiling, they want to wear that super cute outfit with high heels, they want to stay in shape, and they want to put healthy foods into their body instead of comfort foods. Here are seven easy ways to ignite your inner and outer sexy!
Read more about beauty from the inside out
1. Start your day with positive affirmations, meditation, and prayer
What are you saying to yourself the moment you wake up? The statements you wake up with can set the tone for how your day will go. I like to use positive affirmations and "I am" statements like “I am manifesting prosperity and abundance in my life,” or “I am focused on the joy of living my life and helping others where and when I can." I also like to stand in the mirror and say, “I love you and I accept you just the way you are.” When you start your day with positive affirmations and thankfulness for all that you are blessed with, amazing things can start to happen in your life. You'll start walking through your day creating an almost perfect-world where even if there is chaos around you, you'll be grounded, centered, and everything will seem to flow more smoothly.
2. Be mindful with what you put into your body
You are what you eat. So, what are you putting into your body? Are you filling it with nourishing foods that will help you thrive or foods that will clog up your system? Be a food detective and know the ingredients of what you are eating. Once you let go of added sugars, chemical additives, and other toxins, you will start to feel sexier, healthier, happier, have more energy, and you will even begin to think clearer.
3. Keep a gratitude journal
By writing down what you are most grateful for, you instantly change your mood because you are focusing on the things that are positive in your life. When you are having a bad day you can take out your gratitude journal and simply look at what you’ve written for an instant mood adjustment. My favorite time of the day to write in my gratitude journal is at night. I also take my journal everywhere for whenever I need that pick me up.
4. Make sure to take some "me" time
To prevent yourself from experiencing too much stress and suffering from stress-related illnesses, reserve a time of day just for you. Schedule it into your daily planner so you won’t forget, and be sure to always make it a priority.
5. Own your personal power
Who has your power? Do you give your power away by not setting boundaries, doubting yourself, not standing in your truth, or being a people pleaser? Or, do you own your personal power by standing firm in what you believe in, living a life full of authenticity and integrity, surrounding yourself with positive uplifting people, and saying what you mean and meaning what you say? Owning your personal power gives you confidence, self-esteem, and an increased sense of self-worth.
Read more about how to have a healthy body image
6. Live your passion
Do you love what you do? Do you wake up and jump out of bed, ready to take on the day? Living your passion is about discovering who you are and not letting anyone or anything stand in your way. It’s about knowing that you were born to do great things and have a impact in this world. Living your passion is going about your day and living the life that you want and not the life someone else wants for you.
7. Have fun!
Are you taking life too seriously or are you taking time to really enjoy life? You only get one life here on Earth. Make it an extraordinary one filled with joy.
Image: Dita Margarita