Here's one for you. Good old keratosis pilaris. Bummer! Those bumps on upper arms, thighs, buttocks . . . Mine got worse after pregnancy. It's almost impossible to get rid of, but I have heard that lactic acid helps to smooth the skin. Do you know of any organic lotions that contain lactic acid? Any products you know of or could find would be appreciated! Thanks!
Though it may feel like you are battling chicken skin while everyone else seems to be smooth and silky, you are not alone. Keratosis pilaris is a very common skin condition caused by a build up of keratin, the protective protein in our skin, hair, and nails. The built up keratin forms a plug, blocking hair follicle openings, resulting in the bumps you are experiencing. When irritated, redness can also occur.
You may have noticed that this condition seems to “get better” in warmer months and is more noticeable in the winter. Symptoms of Keratosis pilaris are exacerbated by dryness, which can be caused by dry weather, indoor heating, lack of healthy fats in the diet, and if you are not consuming enough water. In your case the combination of most of these, plus lactation, has caused your Kp to worsen. I also have a Kp and have noticed a huge differnce since I quit using products with synthetic ingredients.
Though there is no known cure for Kp, there are steps you can take to minimize the bumps and redness it causes. Regular exfoliation is key. Remove dry, dead skin cells at least once weekly (twice in winter is best) with a mild exfoliant. By now my loyal readers know that my fave is a simple mix of organic milk and sugar, but you may use whatever exfoliant your skin prefers. Just be gentle, harsh scrubbing will…
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