What words pop into your mind when you think about summer? How about vacation, sun, swimming, barbeques, outdoors, parties, biking, hiking…it all adds up to fun! We would like to add another item to that list: aloe vera. Why?
Because while you’re having fun, your skin can take a beating. Sunburn, dry skin, irritated skin, dark spots, and more can put a damper on your festivities. That’s why our number one pick for a healthy summer and a healing remedy for these skin woes is aloe vera.
Read about aloe vera: nature’s beauty secret
What is aloe vera?
Aloe vera is a succulent that thrives in subtropical climates and on the windowsills of countless numbers of households around the world. It’s been used for thousands of years for the management of a variety of health and skin care related conditions. Today we are going to focus on why aloe vera is your “must-have” summer product at home, in the car, on the beach, and wherever else you travel so you and your family can better enjoy a healthy summer.
Aloe vera for skin hydration and moisturizing
Summer heat, wind, and dryness can make you feel like the moisture is being sucked right out of your skin. To help your skin retain its natural moisture and stay hydrated, choose aloe vera. The pulp is a rich source of vitamins C and E, and it protects the skin from damage while moisturizing.
You can apply aloe vera squeezed directly from the leaves, or you can use any of Lily of the Desert’s natural aloe vera gel products designed to naturally replenish your skin. In fact, these products contain Aloesorb™, a special concentration of aloe polysaccharides obtained from the inner filet of organic aloe vera plants that optimizes absorption—at least three epidermal layers deep. Aloe vera is safe for all skin of all ages—babies included.
Aloe vera for soothing skin and sunburn
It’s easy to get so involved in summer fun that you can forget to keep reapplying sunscreen (at least every two hours) and/or you don’t take other proper precautions to avoid sunburn. Whether your skin is mildly or more aggressively reddened by the sun, treating it with aloe vera gel is a great way to cool and soothe your skin. Aloe vera can speed up healing by promoting skin cell turnover. Here’s a cool tip: keep your aloe vera products in the refrigerator so they are extra soothing when it’s time to use them!
Aloe vera for skin infection
Sometimes a sunburn can be serious enough to lead to a skin infection. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that can help with this consequence of burned skin. (You may need to see a medical professional if your sunburn is severe.)
Aloe vera for fine lines and wrinkles
Sun exposure can have another side effect: aging the skin and leading to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Aloe vera contains carotene and other antioxidants that help support hydration and firm skin.
Aloe vera for lips
Pucker up without pain! Your lips are exposed to the sun along with your skin, so be sure to protect them. Too much sun can lead to blisters! Apply aloe vera to your lips, and if you need its healing power, it can be left on your lips overnight.
Read about why we love (and why you should love) aloe vera
Aloe vera for hyperpigmentation
You may love those summer rays, but the intense sunlight and heat can contribute to the spread of hyperpigmentation. According to Dr. Zoe Indigo Smith, “hyperpigmentation is a general term used to characterize patches on the skin that at darker than normal.” These patches can be brown, gray, or black, and are “caused by an increased production of melanin in the skin.” Wearing sunscreen every day is recommended to help with this problem, and using aloe vera can assist in reducing the appearance of those undesirable dark spots.
DIY aloe vera recipes for your summer skin
Here are just two examples of recipes using aloe vera to help manage your summer skin challenges: one for sunburn and one for skin hydration.
Aloe vera sunburn recipe
- Five 4- to 6-inch fresh aloe vera leaves (makes about ¼ cup gel) or Lily of the Desert 99% Aloe Gelly
- 2 Tbs cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil
- Grapefruit or other organic essential oil—optional
Clean and dry the aloe vera leaves. Use a sharp knife to peel the skin off one side of each leaf. Use a small spoon (one with serrated edges if you have one) to scoop the gel into a clean glass container. Mix in the coconut oil and essential oil (if desired) and stir well. (You can use a blender if you wish.) Apply a thin coat to sunburned skin. You can store the remainder in the refrigerator for up to one month.
Aloe vera skin soothing, moisturizing recipe
For soothing dry, irritated skin and also reducing inflammation, this recipe is for you. Combine one part aloe vera gelly with one part colloidal oatmeal (e.g., two tablespoons gel and two tablespoons oatmeal). Mix well, apply to your face, and let it stay on for no more than 10 minutes. Then rinse your face well, pat dry, and apply a cream or oil to retain moisture.
An alternative is to mix two parts aloe vera gelly and one part honey (Manuka if you have it). Honey has antibacterial and hydrating properties. Leave on your face for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. Apply a moisturizing cream or oil.
Bottom line
For a healthy summer, you and your entire family may want to keep aloe vera gel and aloe vera gel products close by. Don’t let sunburn, dry irritated skin, blistered lips, or skin spots disrupt your fun!
[Editor's Note: Not all aloe gelly is created equal, in fact, some can have colors and fragrances added that aren't natural that's why we choose the brand Lily of the Desert. They grow their own aloe vera plants and keep their formulas clean and effective.]