Question: Why do we do colon hydrotherapy and who should get a colonic?
Answer: Diseases and disturbances of the digestive organs are the most frequently complained about problems today. Unfortunately, laxatives are one of the most sold over the counter drugs across America. I believe that the health of most organs as well as our wellbeing depends on healthy bowel functions. Combined with sound nutrition, exercise and a positive mental and spiritual outlook, vitality and health can be greatly increased. Colon hydrotherapy can play an important role in achieving and maintaining vibrant health.
In this day and age when we have numerous amounts of toxins in the environment, it is important to keep our eliminatory systems working well. We change the oil and filter in the cars we drive, and remove the rubbish from our garbage so why not do the same for ourselves?
Consider this current medical fact; in 1999, 3400 men and women died from colorectal cancer. Another fact is that a diet low in fiber increases your chance of getting bowel cancer. The medical profession recognizes the important part which the colon plays in health and disease. In all sickness, the status of the bowel is inquired into as a matter of routine and a laxative or enema prescribed when indicated.
Research has shown that the regular use of refined carbohydrates and a lack of fiber in the diet decreases the transit time of bowel wastes and stimulates putrefaction and fermentation in the colon. Both of these factors have been linked to constipation and certain bowel diseases such as diverticulitis, colitis, and colon cancer. The American Cancer Society has proven evidence in recent years which suggests that bowel cancer is caused by environmental agents such as pesticides and herbicides sprayed on crops, hormones and antibiotics fed to animals and carcinogenic agents in the air we breathe. Periodic cleansing could minimize exposure of these potential carcinogens to the colon wall.
As for who should get a colonic, it is very individual. I do assessments and find that most people need nutritional support. Colonics are not safe for everybody. In my practice I have a few clients that have some medical challenges and they are also over 70 yrs and thus cannot get colon hydrotherapy at this point. Instead, we work on their diet and exercise. I may give them an enema and that helps to release their lower bowels.
Enemas are an excellent alternative. I am a big believer in them. Sometimes I start with that or just use the isotonic solution with an enema, especially when the client has IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or shows indications that they cannot have a colonic.
You can also start with a closed system and then move to the open, but I use the enema first and find it to be extremely effective. It is like passive isotonic going through gently.
Laxatives vs. Colon Hydrotherapy
Laxatives act as chemical irritants and stimulate the muscular walls of the colon to abnormally contract to expel the irritating substances. It is very easy to become dependent upon these drugs or herbs (ie. senna, cascara sagrada) and permanently destroy the normal ability of the colon to eliminate naturally of its own accord.
The massaging action of the water helps to strengthen muscle tone and encourage the colon to function more optimally and efficiently. This is the opposite of laxatives which create a dependency effect, causing peristalsis to occur by force of the chemical effect and not the body’s own natural response.
The oral route of administration is the least optimal method of evacuation of the large intestine. Very important digestive processes occurring higher up in the alimentary tract (stomach and small intestine) are interfered with. Most laxatives and other cathartics precipitate dehydration in the patient. Colon hydrotherapy alternatively fills and empties the colon with water and would improve the hydration status of the patient.
Therapeutic Effects of Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy cleans and dilutes the toxic load of the large intestine, reducing the burden on the liver. This allows various organs of the body in conjunction with a rejuvenated immunological system to restore internal balance and improve the overall health of the person.
In order to demonstrate the importance of proper elimination of metabolized fluids (toxins), Dr. Alexis Carell, at the Rockerfeler Institute for Medical Research, took the heart cells of chicken embryos and immersed them in a nutrient solution to feed the tissue. Waste material secreted by the heart cells in the solution was carefully monitored and changed each day. This incredible experiment continued for twenty-nine years with the same heart cells living in a balanced state. The cells die as a result of autointoxication. A lab technician failed to change the solution around the cells. As a result, the metabolized fluids (toxins) poisioned the heart cells. Dr. Carrell concluded; only by its ability to obtain nutrients and most importantly to be able to properly eliminate the metabolized waste from its tissues can health be maintained.
Accumulation of putrefied matter (plaque) reduces the ability of the colon to eliminate metabolic wastes generated by normal cellular activity. The colon falls further behind in its attempt to eliminate waste that results from increased metabolism due to pathological conditions. Without proper elimination of these toxins, a downward spiral towards poor health results as the body recycles old toxins instead of eliminating the waste. Removal of toxic matter from the primary elimination system of the body – the colon – allows the lymphatic system to purge the metabolized fluid from around the cells more efficiently.
- Colon hydrotherapy helps reverse the downward trend in health by restoring the vital function of elimination to the colon.
- Periodic cleansing of the colon would minimise the exposure of potential carcinogens to the colon walls, would dilute the toxin concentration in cecum and facilitate the removal of same. The result is a reduced load on the portal (liver) and lymphatic system allowing the five eliminative organs of the body (skin, lymph, lungs, kidneys and bowel) to balance the removal of these toxins with their production. When a breakdown in one or more of these systems exists and toxins abound, the potential for disease exists.
- Colon hydrotherapy not only removes impaction, parasites, intestinal flatus and cellular debris, but is thought to cleanse and rejuvenate the portion of immune system that resides in the intestinal tract. It was discovered that a greater portion of the immune system resides in the intestines that previously recognized.
In summary, colon hydrotherapy provides tubular and cellular drainage outwardly from the rectum and inwardly via the portal and mesenteric lymphatic system.
More on Colon Hydrotherapy:
Myths and Truths about Colon Hydrotherapy
What Is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Carla Roter is Naturally Savvy's Colon Hydrotherapy expert. Carla is a Nurse and Director of The Colon Therapy Health & Education Centre.
The Colon Therapy Health and Education Centre
Colon Hydrotherapy School of Canada Book