
Naturally Savvy

Safe All-Natural Sun Protection

Sunny days are here again. However, many of us are hesitant to scurry outside. Warnings about sun exposure persist and we question the safety...
Making the Switch to a Raw Diet

Making the Switch to a Raw Diet

Switching to a raw food diet is not as hard as you might think. There are two stages in switching to a raw food...
Naturally Savvy

SAM-e: Nutrient

SAM-e (S-Adenosylmethionine) is a naturally occurring compound that may fight depression and improve joint pain. The human body makes SAM-e by combining the amino...
Natural Remedies For Problem Skin

Natural Remedies For Problem Skin

Inevitably our skin changes as we age. Our skin is also affected by our hormones, diet, stress level, and weather conditions. A good skin...
The Secret Of Carryover Cooking

The Secret Of Carryover Cooking

One big difference that separates the professional chef from the home cook is the understanding of the principle of carryover cooking. After food is...
Raw, Sprouted Foods for Optimal Health

Raw, Sprouted Foods for Optimal Health

Our streets are crammed with coffee, donut, and fast food establishments due to our insatiable desire for quick, convenient energy-on-the-go. They solve the convenience...
This Week on Naturally Savvy - March 7, 2011

Spring Detox Plan

Spring is the perfect time for a detox. The changing seasons and the signs of new life sprouting all around us inspire better eating,...
Vitamin K

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored in the fat cells (known as adipose tissue), liver, and pancreas. It has many...

Omega-3 Benefits

Did you know that there have been over 7000 studies done on omega-3 essential fatty acids? It seems that everywhere you turn you see...
Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Eating breakfast is very important; the size is not an issue, but rather the content. Most important is to ensure it contains complete protein,...

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