The past few weeks have seen more than a few developments on the GMO front. From consumers demanding companies go GMO-free to Naturally Savvy's own Andrea Donsky's in-depth article on how going GMO-free changed her health, don't miss these five must-read stories from the world of GMOs.
1. My Journey to GMO-free and Why It's SO Important
Andrea's personal article about her journey to being GMO-free is a great reference for anyone interested in eliminating GMOs from their diet. She goes over the health risks of GMOs, and how you can avoid them as well. If you're looking for a crash course in GMOs, look no further than here.
2. Are GMOs the Only Way to Save Orange Juice?
A disease devastating Florida oranges has caused companies to consider alternative methods in saving orange juice we all know and love. Unfortunately, these methods involve the utilization of GMOs.
3. National Coalition Demands Chobani Go GMO-free
Advocacy group GMO Inside is calling on Greek yogurt manufacturer Chobani to stop marketing their products are "real" and "natural" until they make the switch to non-GMO ingredients. They are also asking consumers to sign a petition that pushes for Chobani to make these changes.
4. Got a Question About GMOs? Just Ask Monsanto
Looking for some information on GMOs? You could head over to GMOAnswers.com, but be warned – it's actually a website run by the Council for Biotechnology Information, whose members include biotech powerhouses like Monsanto and DuPont.
5. Kickstarter Kicks GMOs from Approved Reward Options
Kickstarter is the popular crowdfunding website that has picked up a lot of steam lately. They've also recently banned projects that offer GMOs as rewards.
Photo Credit: Fellowship of the Rich