It happens every year; the zucchini magically arrives and seems to multiply exponentially overnight. Suddenly gardens and markets are running rampant with the squash, and it’s all we can do to eat it quickly enough to avoid letting it go to waste uneaten, or worse, in failed experimental zucchini recipes.
There are only so many meals in a row that can harbor sautéed squash, without us, the eaters, becoming zucchini-fatigued – a common and chronic condition that occurs this time every summer. So with that in mind, the following zucchini recipes, though, are intended to help you escape from zucchini tedium, with bona fide yumminess galore.
1. Mix it with chocolate
Zucchini has a surprising ability to play nicely with chocolate, as weird as that may sound. When added to sweet baked things – like cookies, brownies, and cake – its flavor fades to the background, but its moisture provides for a terrific texture. For starters, try this Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread.
Read more about the health benefits of chocolate
2. Concoct a savory custard
Who doesn’t like pudding for dinner? Okay, so maybe it’s not butterscotch pudding, but adding sautéed zucchini to flan and topping it with a savory tomato coulis is a really lovely way to break free from the zucchini rut. See Zucchini Flan With Tomato Coulis for the how-to.
3. Make waffles
We kid you not, introducing the best waffles ever: Coconut Waffles with Bananas and Mango Jam (which just so happen to include zucchini).
4. Use in place of meat
Swap out the meat and add the ubiquitous zucchini instead in this recipe for zucchini balls. (Bonus: “zucchini balls” is fun to say).
5. Make muffins
If carrot cake can be so good, so can carrot-zucchini cake, in muffin form. Here’s how: Carrot-Zucchini Muffins.
6. Hide it in pesto
Not that zucchini deserves to be hidden, but when there’s just nowhere else to go, head for the pesto. Add raw zucchini to the mix when making pesto – it bulks up the sauce without diluting the flavor very much; and it’s really good. See tip number two in 5 Recipes To Escape The Pesto Doldrums for more.
7. Shred it, slice it, slaw it
Raw zucchini shredded or sliced thinly into ribbons makes for one of the world’s best, and easiest, vehicles for salad dressing. Use your favorite coleslaw recipes, or dress it simply in seasoned rice wine vinegar with a handful of fresh herbs.
Read more about healthy herbs for fighting fatigue
8. And last but not least, make cake!
And not just any cake, but Zucchini Cake With Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting … making us all hope that the abundance of fresh summer zucchini (and zucchini recipes!) never ends.
Image: Katrin Morenz