It would be safe to say the majority of health-minded people understand the benefits of olive oil. It can help combat inflammation and also supports cardiovascular health, making it one of the healthier oils to cook with. Furthermore, it’s also been known to assist with digestive issues and bone health. All in all, olive oil is one of the healthiest staples you can add to your diet. But can it also help with your cognitive function? New research says yes.
Recent research has indicated that the polyphenols in olives “increase levels of the proteins (known as neurotrophins) nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) – both of which play key roles in the development, growth, and survival of brain cells1," reports NutraIngredients.com.Read more about olive oil
Dr. Marco Fiore of the Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology in Italy led the study, which analyzed mice who were given an olive extract. With regards to his findings, Fiore stated that “polyphenols extracted from olive may increase the levels of NGF and BDNF in the crucial tissues of the mouse limbic system and in the olfactory bulbs, brain areas playing a key role in learning and memory processes, and in the regulation of the proliferation and migration of endogenous neuronal stem cells present in the mammalian brain.”
While more research is needed with regards to the effects olive oil may have on human cognitive function, what should be noted is that there is potential for even more notable health benefit that can be added to olive oil's wide arsenal.Read more about cardiovascular health
Photo Credit: LexnGer
1 NutraIngredients.com, "Olive polyphenols play 'key role' in learning and memory processes"