Hello long lost blog souls! How i’ve missed you!
As you may or may not know, I am currently suffering from PTSD. Post-traumatic-science-disorder. Too much anatomy, physiology and chemistry study has predisposed me to night sweats, fainting spells and uncontrolled binges on raw-cacao concoctions. Exams do that to a girl.
How has your week been? My, it’s getting close to the festy-season epicentre. It always creeps up so fast! I have yet to brave the shops to track down perfect christmas gifts for my 3 trillion relations, however soon the time will come where I will have to beat through the crowds, nimbly sidestepping crazed consumer zombies in my vibram five-fingers, and buying over-priced soaps for my numerous aunts as I give up all attempts to be thoughtful. I had grand plans to bake/un-bake/sew/knit/craft delightful homemade tokens of christmas love for everyone, however in usual scatterbrain style, I have left it to the last again.
Everyone likes soap.
As requested, I wanted to recap some favourite smoothie ideas for you all as I’ve been getting my fair share of blended foods of late, with the raw kick.
Tricks for awesome smoothies
* Use frozen bananas for creaminess & sweetness – really makes a difference to the texture & general deliciousness of the final product.
* Adding greens such as spinach will provide an instant chlorophyll-kick without compromising flavour. I use baby spinach in just about every blended beverage and the taste is completely unnoticeable.
* The addition of any kind of paste or nut-butter is guaranteed to tip your smoothie over the flavour precipice. So. Amazing.
Let’s get to it!
Avocado, Banana, Tahini and Honey (personal favourite!)
1/2 ripe avocado
1 large frozen banana
1 tsp of each tahini (raw, unhulled) & raw honey
rice or other non-dairy milk (I