This article was written by Jenny Sansouci, Be Well Health Coach at Dr. Frank Lipman's Eleven Eleven Wellness Center
I saw an advertisement on the NYC subway the other day that
said “peanuts are a superfood!” and I had to smile. Peanuts have, for a
long time, been such a staple of the American diet, especially during
childhood – who doesn’t love a good PB and J sandwich? But on the Be Well Cleanse and many other elimination diets, peanuts are removed from the diet. Why?
Well, first and foremost, peanuts are one of the most
common food allergens, and there’s evidence showing that the rate of
peanut allergies in the US is rising. An allergic reaction to peanuts
can show up as a skin problem (hives, eczema), intestinal issues,
swelling in the body, difficulty swallowing or breathing, itchiness, and
sometimes a more severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis that
requires immediate medical treatment. Peanuts are removed during the
Cleanse because even a mild sensitivity to peanuts can show up as an
unwanted issue in the body.
Read more about cleansing
Second, peanuts are susceptible to growing a mold called
aflatoxin, which is a known carcinogen and can be toxic to the liver.
Also, because peanuts are actually legumes, they have a softer shell and
are more likely to absorb toxins and pesticides from the soil while
they’re being grown.
Raw almonds and almond butter are my favorite alternatives
to peanuts. Sunflower seed butter is also a delicious choice, and I
always love a good tahini (sesame seed paste) too. If you do choose to
eat peanuts and you know you don’t have an allergy or sensitivity to
them, having a little bit of organic peanut butter shouldn’t be a huge
deal, but when it comes to everyday use, almonds are a better choice.
What do you think? Have you experienced any peanut sensitivities?
Read more about natural treatment for food allergies
Image: Nicole Castle
Editor's note: This article originally appeared on DrFrankLipman.com.