Celebrity Suzanne Somers' life was severely impacted by mold toxicty. In Your Mind On Mold, Part 1, she talks about how 'the silent enemy' almost destroyed her health.
Read Your Mind On Mold, Part 1 here
What can mold do to your body?
Dr. Sponaugle has successfully treated hundreds of toxic patients who had been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, panic disorder, or misdiagnosed bipolar. Most doctors, unaware of the effects of mold toxicity, give these patients drugs like Klonopin or Xanax to calm their anxious brains. But when their anxious or over-electrified brains come from mold toxins, the mold needs to be detoxified from the body.
“Mold-toxic brains produce excessive levels of two powerful electrifying brain chemicals; glutamate and PEA,” said Dr. Sponaugle. “The increased activation of glutamate and PEA nerve receptors throughout the body produces an over-electrified nervous system. Mold-toxic patients experience a gradual progression as they slowly accumulate more mold toxins. Their symptoms usually begin with insomnia, powdery fingernails, and hair loss and then progress to anxiety and then full blown panic disorder. In the most severe cases of mold toxicity, bipolar symptoms of rage and paranoia emerge.”
Worse, many victims develop addiction issues because of their undiagnosed mold toxicity. The patients, suffering from over-electrified brains, self-medicate with drugs and alcohol to calm down.
“When you have a mold-toxic brain, specifically the hypothalamus, it can’t properly stimulate the brain’s primary hormonal factory, the pituitary gland. Pituitary insufficiency results in hormonal deficiencies in the downstream hormone factories — the thyroid, adrenals, and the sex organs. Mold-toxin-induced deficiencies of these hormones cause inactivation of the three adrenaline chemicals, causing symptoms of severe depression, lethargy, and chronic fatigue.”
Mold: the primary cause of fibromyalgia in many middle-aged women
It causes total body pain because of the excessive production of the electrifying neurotransmitters, glutamate, and PEA. Dr. Sponaugle explained, “The excessive inflammation comes from the toxic load and deficiencies of the calming neurotransmitters taurine and serotonin. This causes mold-toxin-induced destruction of the intestinal lining, which leads to poor absorption of the essential amino acids, tryptophan and taurine. The resulting up-regulating of electrical voltage in the body’s nervous system can be dramatic, and it directly correlates with the measured level of mold toxins. When these women go to their doctors, they are usually misdiagnosed and prescribed addicting pain medication and drugs like Lyrica, which treats the symptoms but not the true cause of fibromyalgia, which is mold.”
What about MS?
I once saw two side-by-side slides, one from a healthy person, the other from a person with MS. The healthy cells moved constantly, all clumped together. The MS cells were not clumped together, but moved slowly. All had a white ‘film’ surrounding them. The scientist told me that ‘film’ was toxins. Dr. Sponaugle confirmed that mold toxins destroy the myelin sheath on brain neurons, causing the classic white spots seen in MS.
Mold lurks deep in the roots of your house. If you’ve had water damage, in particular those affected by Hurricane Sandy or Katrina, know that there is likely a hidden enemy in your home.
There is an answer to this problem. For more information, go to www.floridadetox.com.
Suzanne Somers, one of our most informed and dedicated health care advocates, is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and the host of “The SUZANNE Show” on Lifetime.
Read Your Mind On Health, Part 1 here
Photo credit: pixieclipz