When making an effort to make as many of the items in your life as possible free from harmful chemicals, it makes sense to start with the items that you ingest the most frequently or spend the most time in contact with. Considering that the average person spends one third of their life sleeping, when it comes to adding organic items to your home, your bedding is a good place to start. Unfortunately, good bedding is often very expensive and when you add in the organic factor, it’s not always easy to find affordable pricing, but it does exist. These five organic sheets and bedding collections offer good quality, great style, and won’t break the bank.
1. Jenny Stripe Sheet Set– This striped organic sheet set from Pottery Barn offers classic styling that’s appropriate for any member of the family and is available for twin through California king sizing. The 200-thread count organic cotton sheeting is Oeko-Tek certified and yarn dyed to for enduring color, and all for under $130.
2. Threshold 325 Sheet Set– When it comes to value and variety in organic bedding, Target’s Threshold 325 Organic Sheet Set is hard to beat. This 325-thread count organic cotton sheet set is available in five sizes and fifteen patterns, all for $54 or less.
3. Percale Sheet Set– There is nothing quite like a set of crisp white percale sheets, and this certified organic 250-thread count set from CB2 is the perfect linen closet staple. It is available in full, queen, and king sizes for $90 to $109, and for those who prefer a color other than white, it also comes in a lovely shade of grade.
4. Lattice Sheet Set– For those who prefer a worldlier look for their bed, West Elm offers a nice selection of patterned organic sheets such as this Lattice Sheet Set in five sizes and priced at $79 to $119. Affordable coordinating organic cotton duvets help complete your bedroom look while allowing you to create a complete organic oasis in the bedroom.
5. Urban Ikat Sheet Set– If bolder is better in your world, then looking outside your typical realm may yield the best results in organic bedding. This 200-thread count Urban Ikat Sheet Set from PB Teen comes in three bold colors in sizes twin, full, and queen, and starting at only $69.
No matter what your personal style may be, there is affordable organic bedding out there that suits your desire to live a more natural lifestyle. Gone are the days of organic fabrics being super expensive and equally as dull.
Image: chiara cremaschi