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Show Summary
"Busy" seems to be the word of the day. But, even if people say they like being busy, it may be contributing to unhealthy stress levels.
Dr. Darria Long Gillespie experienced a crazy-busy schedule while going through residency training. After developing a serious health issue, she realized she had to change something.
She joins host Lisa Davis to discuss how you can triage your life — prioritize daily tasks into red (critical), yellow (moderate) and green (light).
Listen in to learn key tips to end the crazy-busy in your life.
Show Notes
[0:50] Introducing Dr. Darria.
[2:50] How she takes the lessons she learned as an ER doctor to how she can transfer these to her home life.
[3:20] Dr. Darria's health journey and her experience with pain.
[5:55] Learn about the changes Dr. Darria made to her diet to help her and help for breaking the sugar habit.
[10:40] How do you make the changes when our partners aren't on board?
[12:33] Tips and hacks for triaging your life.
Show Links
Dr. Darria Long Gillespie's website
Dr. Darria's Mom Hack's Book
Dr. Darria's TedTalk
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