Pregnancy and nausea just seem to go together. Approximately 75 percent of pregnant women experience some level of nausea during their pregnancy. The degree of nausea varies from mild and infrequent, to constant and debilitating which leaves many women feeling physically overwhelmed and exhausted. Although nausea often begins in the fourth week of pregnancy, and often subsides by the sixteenth week, it can continue throughout pregnancy for up to 20 percent of women. For a few women women it may come and go through different trimesters.
There are many theories circulating on what causes nausea. Each one attributes the often incapacitating feeling to a different physical explanation. Some focus on weaknesses or deficiencies in the body while others suggest reasons like escalating hormones. No theory has, as of yet, been proven true. Unfortunately, these theories remain possible explanations and are not necessarily the definite cause.
Below is a list of some possible causes of nausea and some ideas for possible remedies. Keep in mind that while some women find relief from addressing these specific issues, others may continue to experience nausea despite their best efforts.
B6 or Zinc Deficiency
One of the most common theories on pregnancy nausea suggests it is due to vitamin B6 deficiency. Make sure you get plenty of B6 by eating foods containing such as whole grains, avocado, bananas, cabbage, oats, asparagus, spinach, legumes, and meat. You may also try taking a 50 to 150 mg supplement until the nausea subsides.
According to Dr Elson Haas, author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition, lowered zinc levels in the body may also contribute to morning sickness. Boost zinc levels in the body by eating zinc rich foods such as meat, oysters, pumpkin seeds, eggs, beans, pecans, and Brazil nuts. A zinc supplement providing 15 to 20 mg may also be helpful. A pregnant woman should also look at her hydrochloric acid levels (in her stomach) because low hydrochloric acid (HCl) could lead to reduced zinc availability.
Imbalanced Blood Sugar Levels
Some health experts have postulated that irregular blood sugar levels cause or aggravate nausea. Avoid eating sugar or refined carbohydrates since they will spike, and subsequently lower, blood sugar levels. Whole grains which contain fiber are better choices because they help keep blood sugar levels more stable. Eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day, and including a protein source at each meal, also helps balance blood sugar.
Sluggish Liver and Escalating Hormones
During pregnancy the production of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) increase significantly. Hormones are like messengers in the body. Once they communicate their message, they should be broken down and eliminated by the liver. Scientists believe if a woman’s liver is in any way overburdened from other stressors, this hormone breakdown function may be compromised. Consequently, hormones are not eliminated from the body as quickly as they should be and this creates the nausea so many women are familiar with.
Support liver function as much as possible by avoiding liver taxing substances such as high fat foods (particularly trans fats), excessive meat, sugars, caffeine and chemicals of all kinds. Include liver supporting foods such as eggs, onions and garlic (if you can tolerate them!), beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beets and cabbage. Also, try drinking hot water and lemon in place of coffee in the mornings since the lemon juice gently helps to support the liver.
Caution: Do not take anything that would encourage liver detoxification. Detoxification is strictly discouraged during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Remedies for Nausea
If you're pregnant and suffering from nausea, there are several natural ways to fight it.
Ginger root has many healing properties including calming nausea and assisting with digestion. To make ginger tea buy fresh ginger root, grate the interior and boil in water for five to 10 minutes. Acupuncture
Studies have shown that acupuncture can often help suppress nausea. Ensure you work with a properly trained professional since certain acupuncture points need to be avoided during pregnancy.
Homeopathic remedies, such as Nux Vomica, are recommended for pregnancy nausea. Although many homeopathic remedies are suitable during pregnancy, it is highly recommended they be used under the guidance of a trained professional.
Many women become queasy due to the multitude of smells surrounding them, and some report a settling of their stomachs by using aromatherapy. The most effective essential oils to use against nausea include lemon, lime, or any other citrus fruit oil. This is a practical solution because essential oils carry easily in a purse, and can be used in a public place like public transportation.
When all else has failed, some pregnant women turn to hypnotherapy as a last resort. A number of women have reported experiencing considerable reduction, or complete elimination, of their nausea through hypnosis. As with all other modalities, ensure you work with a properly trained therapist.
On a positive note, pregnancy nausea can be a good sign. Women who experience “morning sickness” tend to have fewer miscarriages. As a result, practitioners often see nausea as an indication the pregnancy is progressing properly.