"Can mommy get a six-pack?" This is the most common question that new and even long-time moms ask.
While many women work VERY hard to see results and are even doing a lot of the right things, like exercising the large muscle groups to increase their lean muscle mass and metabolism as well as eating right, some women still get stuck on their journey to being a mommy with a six-pack.
One thing new moms should consider, if they are not shedding the pounds, is getting their thyroid checked to make sure it is functioning properly. This can be an issue postpartum. Once you have ruled this out, consider the fundamentals of good health. I know this can be difficult for new moms suffering from sleep deprivation and high levels of stress, which has been linked to abdominal fat storage. High stress = high levels of cortisol = high levels of fat deposits in the abdominal region, which has more cortisol receptors.
Here's where new moms say, "I'm doomed then because I never sleep!" That's when my inner mommy motivator voice kicks in.
Broken sleep is one thing, but bad sleeping habits is another. Many women develop bad sleeping habits postpartum. For instance, breastfeeding can cause moms to be sedentary for many hours of the day, which often leads them to watch more television than they typically would. Many moms I talk to say they have a hard time getting to bed either because of the amount of housework to be done, which they couldn’t get to during the day, or because the evenings are the only times they can spend time with their partner after the baby goes to bed.
While these are all valid points, one piece of advice I always give is: Stop expecting yourself to be and give all or nothing. Being chronically overtired is also counterproductive and can lower your ability to be 100% cognitive.
Soul food is a must at this time and I’m not talking just in terms of good nutrition. I’m talking about being accountable to yourself in terms of how your time is spent since time is more precious than ever with a baby in the picture. This means having the guts to admit to yourself that some things need to change. Watching less television and getting to bed early a few nights a week will go a long way toward creating more time for you and improving your health and yes, even your longevity. While transforming yourself into a healthier you might seem like the most daunting task ever, given your new life as a parent, it has never been more important. So get to bed early and take care of yourself, and your abdominals will finally benefit from all the ab work and lunges you’ve been dong!
Want to learn more? Stay tuned for my free "Mommy's got a six-pack" report at newmom101.com.
Andrea Page