Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who was in constant judgment of you? Or perhaps a friend that never really listens to what you are saying but rather ignores you? Not much fun, is it? This describes the way many of us function in our relationship with our body. Our body is always there, contributing to us, taking care of us, making sure we get where we need to go and often times our response is judgment of how bad and wrong it is and a choice to ignore it completely.
What if you could create a different relationship with your body; one of kindness, caring and communion? What if you began to ask your body questions and truly listen to what it has to say? What if you actually asked your body about everything that concerns it?
Read: Are You Truly Healthy? 15 Questions to Ask Yourself
Below are 10 things that your body would say to you if you were listening. These are the keys to creating a relationship with your body that is based on gratitude and communion rather than judgment.
1. Do one thing a day to nurture, acknowledge and appreciate me.
How often do you manage to nurture, acknowledge and appreciate your body? Would you be willing to include nurturing your body every day? Touching your body is one way to communicate with and nurture it. When you wake up in the morning, for three minutes, gently touch your body. Touch your body as if it belongs to somebody you care for.
2. Stop judging me.
When you wake up in the morning, make a conscious choice to stop the litany of judgment that you start each day with. Instead, thank your body, and tell it how grateful you are for it.
3. I was created to have fun.
What if the sole purpose of life was to have fun? Would that change the way you do things? Is it fun for your body to be touched? To feel the sun on its skin? To walk with its feet in the grass? What if you started to have fun now?
4. Ask me about me.
How much have you done to your body because somebody said it would create a result? How many diets, foods, herbs, fads, have you tried because somebody said? Ask your body. Stop judging, and ask your body. Your body has the answers if you start asking.
5. Ask me what it would take to get me to look the way you want me to.
If you want your body to look a certain way, first acknowledge the greatness of it as it is and then ask what it would take to shift some things and create some change. Your body is happy to comply. It will let you know what it would take. Ask and take time to listen.
6. I’m the one eating.
Your body is the one eating. Do you ask it what it would like to eat? Do you ask it how much it would like to eat? How much of the eating we do is based on what we were taught growing up and the points of view that are impelled on us as to what is healthy and what is not? Your body knows what it requires and desires.
7. Ask me what movement I would like to do.
Bodies like to move. What movement is fun for your body? Is it Pilates or Yoga or perhaps running or push-ups? When you move as your body desires, you become more present with your body and you and your body move together.
8. Don’t buy the latest fad.
Your body would just like to be listened to; to be asked about everything that concerns it. Your body has consciousness. Just because everyone is saying that the latest and greatest fad will change your world, does not mean it will. What does your body wish to say?
Read: How to Escape the Diet Trap Cycle & Keep the Weight Off for Good
9. Ask, “Where does this come from?”
98% of the thoughts, feelings and emotions you experience aren’t yours. And somewhere between 50 – 90 % of the pain and suffering in your body isn’t yours. Never was. Ask, “Is this mine?” or “Where did this come from?” If it lightens up, it’s not yours. Simply return to sender.
10. I’m a body. You are an infinite being.
You are the being, an infinite being. Your body is your body. Your body is inside of you. You are too big to fit in your body. Create communion between the being and the body by asking questions.
These 10 things are what your body wants you to know. Simple keys to create a new reality.
Written by Dr. Dain Heer. This article originally appeared on MariaShriver.com.
Image via martinak15