I Dreamt a Snake & a Bee were Chasing Me

Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy

Dream Question: I had a dream last night that a snake was following me and trying to squirt its poison on to me and I kept on moving away in fear that it might get into my eyes and in fear that it may get its teeth into me. The snake kept squirting stuff and showing its teeth and at the same time there was a bee following my every move trying to sting me. I did feel a teeth-like feeling into my left arm and tried to pick this thing out of my arm but I did not know what it was. Can you help? -J.K.

Patti's Answer: Thanks for your dream. Snakes are powerful, multifaceted symbols, but as this dreams illustrates, we need to know what snakes mean to the individual dreamer in order to understand the dream’s message. For more information on snakes, Click Here.

In addition to old religious associations to the snake, there are modern connections that Freudian analysts have raised to new heights (i.e. the snake as phallic symbol) or common expressions in language such as a “snake in the grass”. The snake, as he sheds his skin, is a symbol or regeneration and healing for many. In other cultures it is associated with pregnancy and not all of the associations around snakes are negative. Yet, when I asked you for your own associations to snakes, you thought of them as “something evil, a spirit” as well as a common feature of your childhood dreams. Your associations are in line with traditional Christian beliefs in the snake as an agent of the devil and the powers of destruction and evil.

In addition to the snake, the dream features a bee. You said that you have a phobia about bees and are inclined to run when you see them, so no matter what the bee symbolizes to others-like immortality, rebirth, industry, the goddess Demeter and so on-it will be a fearful symbol for you. You also mentioned a challenging relationship you are currently in and the dream occurred the night before a visit from his parents.

With your own associations in place, the dream is clearly telling you that you feel as if you are under attack. You feel that the snake (possibly your partner’s mother who you described as “dark”- see if anyone one else in your life is snake-like) is trying to poison you and that will get in your eyes, meaning you won’t be able to see things clearly. You feel attacked from two sides; the snake on one side and the bee that follows your every move on the other. It is a strong feeling of fear in this dream, and you actually felt the bite of something attack you. The dream makes your feelings clear and perhaps is showing you just how strong your fear and pain is. For some, the left side is associated with our intuitive, feminine or receiving side, so the attack is wounding you in that area of your life. If you are also left-handed the symbol of the bite in your left arm would take on additional meaning, where your ability to act is wounded. By understanding your dreams, you will better understand your emotions and hopefully be able to protect yourself and your needs from future “attacks”.

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