The colon is an organ that benefits from regular detoxification, and colon hydrotherapy is one of the most effective forms of colon cleansing, but much misinformation exists about it. Although the detox tool falls under the realm of holistic medicine, it is a valuable adjunct to allopathic medicine. Clinical research will ultimately propel colonics into the spotlight; in the meantime, if you’re considering taking advantage of this amazing treatment, be aware of these four important points before scheduling an appointment.
1. Remineralize
Important minerals that are needed by the body are ‘flushed out’ during a colon hydrotherapy treatment. Before booking an appointment, ask the clinic what the hydrotherapist uses to remineralize the intestinal tract. Remineralization is best done with an isotonic solution. Using an isotonic solution ensures that there are no electrolyte losses, and that only a minimal amount of healthy microflora is lost as well. This is imperative! By maintaining electrolyte balance and healthy bacteria in the intestines, you will not feel nauseous or struggle for regularity following the treatment.
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2. Frequency
The frequency of your treatments is individualized. When we go to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned, we are told how often we should visit depending on the condition of our teeth and our age, to name a few factors; and sometimes, we're told to come more often than is necessary. Often we don’t need to be “cleaning” as often as suggested. There is no one formula. Some may need more than others, and the amount will change depending on many other factors as time goes on.
3. Rebacterialize
Take probiotics after a treatment. The procedure of cleaning teeth actually washes away some of the healthy bacteria in the mouth. Holistic dentists often encourage rebacterialization afterwards. Partially due to the loss of healthy mouth bacteria, some people catch a cold or the flu more easily after a cleaning. It is the same with colon hydrotherapy – if you don’t rebacterialize properly, your immune system is compromised. The clinic should provide probiotics (taken from both ends) following the treatment, and pick up a bottle before heading home to repopulate your intestinal tract with the good guys for several days following your treatment. Better yet, take probiotics daily to protect your general health.
4. Monitor your bowel movements
Having a bowel movement the day after your colonic is an excellent sign. It means you still have a good amount of healthy bacteria in your intestines. In fact, those healthy bacteria will continue to grow and flourish. If you don't have at least one bowel movement the next day, then that is an indication that healthy bacteria has been washed away. Unfortunately, this happens with many colon hydrotherapy treatments, unless the therapist ensures that an isotonic solution is used.
Photo credit: Max Wolfe