When you don't have access to water to wash your hands with soap, sanitizer is an option.
Here is a list of ingredients to avoid in hand sanitizers. We want to draw your attention to fragrances and colors which are often added to sanitizers to make them smell better or look pretty. Fragrance is an endocrine disrupter and can mess with your hormones.
The ethanol alcohol in sanitizer is what helps it break down germs and although we would prefer to wash our hands with good ‘ole soap and water instead, it isn't always possible.
In this Savvy Swap, we choose Lily of the Desert for their hand sanitizer which has a simple list of ingredients that will help you clean your hands while on the go, and won't dry them out because it also has aloe vera to help moisturize your skin.
Read more about Hand Sanitizer: Friend or Foe
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