Do you ever find yourself feeling faint and irritable when you have skipped a meal? Do you feel fatigued, depressed or worried when you do not have enough food or have gone too long a period of time between meals? Do you crave sugars and carbohydrates and feel immediate relief and satisfaction after eating them? You may be suffering from hypoglycemia, a common result of poor dietary choices and in some cases, genetics.
Hypoglycemia is a condition where there is an abnormally low level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Glucose, or blood sugar, is the most crucial nutrient for proper brain function. When glucose levels are low, as they are in hypoglycemia, the brain does not function properly. Often, this is a result of over secretion of insulin by the pancreas. Insulin is very important because it facilitates the transport of glucose from bloodstream into the cells, especially muscle and tissues. Carbohydrate metabolism is severely impaired if the pancreas is not working properly. You may feel the need to eat sugary snacks, which will spike your blood sugar, then drop suddenly after. The result is a vicious cycle of heightened and lowered blood sugar levels, which wreak havoc on your emotional, physical, energetic and mental well-being.
Read more about the connection between the brain and the gut
What are the symptoms of Hypoglycemia?
• Fatigue • Dizziness • Lightheadedness • Headache • Aggressive PMS • Irritability • Cravings for sweets • Confusion • Night sweats • Constant hunger • Weakness in the legs and pain in the eyes • Nervous habits • Insomnia
How does one become Hypoglycemic?
Over-consumption of sugary drinks and foods; simple carbohydrates such as white breads, cereals and packaged goods; caffeine and alcohol can all lead to overproduction of insulin. High stress levels, smoking as well as use of the birth control pill can also lead to hypoglycemia. The condition may also be inherited but is often a result of dietary habits, making it preventable.
Many other disorders can cause hypoglycemic problem such as adrenal dysfunction, thyroid disorders, pituitary and pancreatic disorders and kidney dysfunction.
Note: Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can be an early sign of diabetes. It is vital to get blood sugars levels under control, in order to maintain healthy weight, organ status and overall physical health.
Recommendations for Blood Sugar Regulation
- Remove alcohol, canned and packaged goods, refined and processed foods, salt, sugar, soft drinks and all white flour from the diet. Avoid foods that contain artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
- Avoid sweet fruits and fruit juices such as grape or prune. Avoid dried fruits completely. Limit amount of fruit eaten to 2 a day.
- Eat a diet high in fiber and eat tons of fresh veggies. Steam, lightly sauté or eat your vegetables raw. Beans, legumes, soy products, organic cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, kefir are great protein sources that help to slow the assimilation of sugars and balance blood sugar.
- Eat regularly. Eating 5-6 small meals a day helps to keep blood sugar levels steady. Be sure to drink plenty of water.
- Rotate your food choices.
- When you feel very low blood sugar eat a snack that combines protein and fiber. A few good suggestions are rye crackers with almond butter, a protein smoothie with hemp protein, unsweetened yogurt and a few berries, or brown rice crackers with raw organic cheese.
Production of insulin is affected by the functioning of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands produce epinephrine which helps to turn off insulin production. If the adrenal glands are taxed, they cannot function properly and therefore will result in an overabundance of insulin. Blood sugar will sink below normal, creating the feeling of low energy. Thus, proper care of adrenals is mandatory.
Helpful Herbs and Supplements
- Chromium, 200mg, 3x daily. Vital for glucose metabolism. Essential for optimal insulin activity.
- Digestive Enzymes, 1 with each meal. Hypoglycemics tend to have problems digesting protein properly, which can result in leaky gut syndrome and gastrointestinal problems.
- B-complex, 50mg 2x daily. Necessary for carbohydrate and protein metabolism as well as proper digestion and absorption of foods. Supports adrenals.
- Zinc, 50mg daily. Needed for proper release of insulin.
- Manganese, as directed on label. Important for maintenance of blood sugar levels.
- Vitamin C with bioflavonoid, 2000-4000mg daily. Supports adrenal glands.
- Dandelion root and milk thistle rejuvenate the liver.
Read more about foods that balance blood sugar
References:Stadler Midtrea, Lilieana, M.D., N.D. Pathology and Nutrition: A Guide for Professionals . Canada. CSNN Publishing. 2005.
Haas, Elson M., MD. Staying Healthy With Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine . Berkley, CA: Celestial Arts. 2006.
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