
Is There Mercury in Your Mouth?

Is There Mercury in Your Mouth?

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. In fact, it’s flat out poison. Over the past decade we’ve heard lots of talk about mercury poisoning, the...
A Reason to Smile: Switching to Natural Toothpaste

A Reason to Smile: Switching to Natural Toothpaste

Are you interested in switching over to more natural beauty products, but not sure where to start? It’s best to tackle one product change...
Lead in Baby Food Investigation Leads to Lawsuit

Lead in Baby Food Investigation Leads to Lawsuit

The Oakland, California based Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) conducted an investigation into baby food, packaged fruit and juice. A total of 1,500 samples were...
Combat the Season of Sneezing with a Natural Allergy Relief Kit

Combat the Season of Sneezing with a Natural Allergy Relief Kit

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you may have the urge to barricade the doors and windows every spring. There is help! An excellent...
Are GMOs Hiding in Your Body Care Products?

Are GMOs Hiding in Your Body Care Products?

Even though they're not labeled, you look for them in the foods you buy. You've gotten good at weeding out suspects: soy, corn or...

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