Disposable Feminine Hygiene Costs the Earth
By: Susie Hewson
Every year over 45 billion feminine hygiene products are dumped somewhere. This means that over 12 billion sanitary pads and liners are...
Intestinal Health
The intestines have two important roles: to complete the digestive process and to eliminate waste products. Both are critical for healthy living.
The combined length...
The Skinny on Raw Fats
When it comes to fat, most people know they eat too much. But what most people don't realize is they aren't eating enough raw,...
I Have a Sore Throat. Any suggestions?
Q: Do you have any suggestions for helping a sore throat other than teas with cinammon and honey?-Leisa
A: Funny enough I had a...
Secrets to Burning Fat Faster -Part I
As a trainer, I have come across many clients not seeing the results they strive for. They work out several times a week with...
Palm Oil is the Most-Used Oil in the World
Can you guess what the world’s most-used cooking oil is? You might be thinking soybean oil, or perhaps corn oil, but first place goes...
CLA Supplementation for Weight Loss & Health
Over the past 10 years, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been extensively studied for its weight-loss and health-promoting properties. CLA is a form of...
Scent in Cosmetics and Beauty Products
“That which we call a rose,” Shakespeare wrote in Romeo and Juliet, “by any other name would smell as sweet.”
What if the scent of...
Stocking Your Kitchen
Check out this list before your next shopping trip. Having your kitchen stocked with healthy food means making better meal choices. From fresh veggies...
How to Take Supplements Properly
It should be everyone's goal to derive most of our nutrients - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber - from food. Supplements are a supplement...