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Show Summary
Whether it's complimenting the cashier at the grocery store on her earrings or saying thank you to your restaurant server, verbalizing your recognition of someone else can be very powerful.
What does it mean to "love out loud"? It's much more than simply saying "I love you."
Robyn Spizman describes loving out loud as harnessing the power of a kind word. Whether it's complimenting the cashier at the grocery store on her earrings or saying thank you to your restaurant server, verbalizing your recognition of someone else can be very powerful — for both the recipient and you.
Her book, Loving Out Loud: The Power of a Kind Word, explains why you have the power to make a positive impact on someone’s day, every day — and that it isn’t nearly as hard as you may think. It also helps improve your own negative self-talk.
Listen as Robyn joins host Lisa Davis to share insights from the book, tips for loving out loud, and how you can be an active participant in a movement toward a kinder, more engaged community.
Show Notes
[1:05] Introduction to Robyn Spizman
[1:40] How kindness and loving out loud can make life easier and kinder for everyone.
[3:00] Be interested, not interesting.
[4:10] Have a "to love" list instead of a to-do list.
[7:08] How to ask for help and work through grief.
[12:20] Why playing to our strengths is important.
[19:50] How can you make a difference today by being thoughtful and aware of others.
[23:40] The key to becoming a great listener with really great tips we can all use every day.
[32:39] Final messages.
Show Links
Robyn Spizma's Book Loving Out Loud: The Power of a Kind Word
Robyn's website
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