Q I'm a vegetarian and would prefer to feed my dog a plant-based diet, especially with all the uncertainty surrounding pet food. Is a vegetarian diet healthy for my pet? —Joanna
A Dogs are omnivores and can maintain their health eating a vegetarian diet. They are different than carnivorous animals, such as cats, that require animal protein. However dogs have a shorter digestive system than humans and cannot process as much raw fiber. If your dog experiences diarrhea, or digestive upset, briefly cook vegetables to break down the tough cellulose layer.
It is important to feed dogs a variety of ingredients to ensure they receive enough protein and to maintain their health. The diets of many vegetarian dogs tend to be low in important nutrients such as protein, calcium, B12, vitamin D, and phosphorus. Eggs and lentils are excellent protein sources.
Raw and cooked vegetables (dogs love raw carrots), apples, brown rice, and sprouted grains should also be included in their diet. Add a little omega-3 fish oil and ground flax for a healthier coat. Use a multivitamin supplement designed for dogs to help insure all their nutritional requirements are met.
A variety of canned foods are also available for vegetarian dogs. Be sure to avoid feeding your pet sugar, chocolate and other toxic foods.