Unjunk Your Junk Food' is the end product of two years of research, testing, writing, and editing by Andrea Donsky, Randy Boyer, and Lisa Tsakos. They worked tirelessly to provide readers with the most thorough and well sourced information on food ingredients and junk food. To learn more about the authors, read on:
Andrea Donsky
Andrea Donsky, B. COMM, is an Author, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.) and Co-Founder of The Healthy Shopper Inc. and Naturally Savvy Media.
A natural visionary and successful entrepreneur for over fifteen years, Andrea holds a Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University and is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.).
Andrea has dedicated her life to sharing her passion for living a naturally healthy lifestyle with the world, while helping to guide others through the confusing maze of 21st century supermarkets. She is an expert label reader and has made it her mission to help others make healthier choices by teaching them how to properly read labels so they can understand what they are putting into and onto their bodies.
Andrea was already a successful retail product marketing manager before she took a leap of faith in 1998 and quit her job to pursue her passion. She enrolled in a holistic nutrition program and began to understand how food affected her body while learning about the benefits of a natural and organic diet. The following year, she gathered all of her energy and together with Randy Boyer, the two launched their dream career by founding The Healthy Shopper Inc. – a coupon book for natural and organic products. Reaching more than 210,000 people a year, the Healthy Shopper, to this day, remains the only coupon book in Canada for natural and organic products.
Eight years later, lightning struck again and the pair launched www.NaturallySavvy.com, a sophisticated media company whose sole purpose is to educate the masses about living the lifestyle she truly loves.
Since then, Andrea has established herself as a respected and authoritative voice in all corners of the health and wellness industry. She has appeared as a healthy living expert on news segments across North America which have aired on NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, Univision, WGN, CTV, and CBC. Her voice has been heard on SiriusXM as a guest on Martha Stewart and Oprah Radio, and as a regular on The Morning Jolt with Larry Flick. Her words have appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers such as Health, Shape, Newsday, Women's Day, Men's Fitness, The Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, and online at the Huffington Post, the Examiner, Reader’s Digest, MariaShriver.com, Wellness.com, and The Food Network.
As the co-author of the popular book, Unjunk Your Junk Food: Healthy Alternatives to Conventional Snacks and Label Lessons: Your Guide to a Healthy Shopping Cart, Andrea believes you can have your cake and eat it too…just without the chemical additives–coined by the authors as 'The Scary Seven'.
Andrea is proud to be the kind of mom who feeds her kids fish oil, chia seeds and seaweed.
You can view Andrea's media appearances here.
Randy Boyer
Randy Boyer, B.A., is Co-Founder of The Healthy Shopper Inc. and Naturally Savvy Media.
Randy Boyer is a trusted source for information about all things natural and organic.
Randy has always been an advocate for healthy living, integrating fitness and healthy eating into her life. Her natural and organic lifestyle began when she met Andrea more than ten years ago. With a unique idea and a strong marketing background they began The Healthy Shopper Inc., the only coupon book in Canada for natural and organic products. Combining brand loyalty and a core of supporting retailers, consumers across Canada follow them and look for their coupon book year after year. With 190,000 copies distributed annually through more than 400 health food stores, The Healthy Shopper coupon book is a staple in thousands of homes across the country.
Following eight years of working in the natural and organic industry, their product knowledge grew and thus Naturally Savvy was born – a user friendly, informative website educating and promoting a natural and organic lifestyle.
A recognized expert in the industry, Randy has made dozens of radio and television appearances promoting her message that eating natural and organic and living a healthy lifestyle is the road to good health including The Michael Dresser Show, The Exchange with David Smith, and Health Radio Network with Barbra Alexander and NBC’s KNTV with Laura Garcia-Cannon. Randy was recently invited to be a regular guest on the XM/Sirius radio show The Morning Jolt with Larry Flick.
Encouraging natural and organic living has become an everyday activity not only through their website, through mass media magazines like Oprah, Prevention and Family Fun and consumer shows but also in their everyday experiences within their community and in their own backyard. Randy can always be found inspiring others to consider natural and organic!
Lisa Tsakos
Lisa Tsakos, B.A., is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.)
She teaches nutrition at various private schools and colleges (including the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, the Transformational Arts College, and at Centennial College) and has been featured on the Discovery Channel, numerous radio programs, and is a contributor to various publications and websites including NaturallySavvy.com, Tribune Media, Toronto Life Fashion Magazine, NOW Magazine and trade publications. Lisa has also taught natural food cooking workshops and authored several books including: Cooking for Nu-Vitality; The Weight Battlefield and at least twenty text books on the subject of nutrition used by schools across the country. She has also written several course curricula on various nutrition topics for the aforementioned schools.
Over the past decade, Lisa’s Nu-Vitality (Healthy!) Weight Program has helped employees at numerous corporations and organizations including the Toronto Police Service, to lose thousands of pounds.
After losing 50 pounds fifteen years ago through a natural diet (not by fad dieting or using weight loss gimmicks) and by improving her digestion, Lisa was committed to sharing her newfound knowledge by returning to school to study nutrition. She is a shining example of someone who practices what she preaches.
She lives with her health conscious husband, a former professional volleyball athlete and coach and their two young children.