
Why Calorie Restriction Doesn't Work

Why Calorie Restriction Doesn't Work

Year after year, on New Year’s Day, millions of people around the world resolve to improve their diet, weight, or both. Now that January...
My Tragedy Survival Tool Kit

My Tragedy Survival Tool Kit

I think it’s safe to say that when we’ve reached age sixty and beyond we’ve already gone through our fair share of hard times,...
Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

A close relative of mine has recently been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I sympathize with her because I know it can be a miserable...
Myths And Truths About Colon Hydrotherapy

Myths And Truths About Colon Hydrotherapy

There are a lot of myths and truths and a lot of controversy about safety and hygiene. Colon hydrotherapy is still relatively misunderstood. Here,...
Who Should Get A Colonic?

Who Should Get A Colonic?

Question: Why do we do colon hydrotherapy and who should get a colonic? Answer:  Diseases and disturbances of the digestive organs are the most...
Does Bribery Work?

Does Bribery Work?

Does bribing your kids work? Giving a child a choice empowers him/her unlike punishment, rewards, or bribes. The use of these methods belongs to the authoritarian...
Amazing Fitness Vacations

Amazing Fitness Vacations

For many people, a vacation can be a time of indulgence, leaving the calorie counter and Stairmaster far behind for a week or two. ...
Will Colon Hydrotherapy Help You Lose Weight?

Will Colon Hydrotherapy Help You Lose Weight?

There is a lot of misinformation about colon hydrotherapy. Many places that train people to perform colon hydrotherapy treatments are making unfounded claims. Here is...
Menopause Stereotypes & Humor

Menopause Stereotypes & Humor

I am a woman who has gone through the transition of menopause and who has come out relatively sane (I think!). But the stereotypes...
The True 'Miracle Pill'? Willpower & Health

The True 'Miracle Pill'? Willpower & Health

We hang many hopes on claims made by marketing geniuses suggesting virtual miracles are possible simply by using their company's products. Of course, we...

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