
Preservatives & Foods Additives

Preservatives & Foods Additives

Here are some facts on Additives, Preservatives and Colorings: On average, we ingest 2-5 lbs of chemical additives a yearOver 6,000 chemicals are used in...
Naturally Savvy

Inulin: Nutrient

Inulin is a natural, soluble fiber derived from chicory root. Inulin cannot be digested by human digestive enzymes and reaches the large intestine intact,...
Naturally Savvy

Healthy Eating Glossary

Acidophilus AGEs Alkaline/Acidic Amino Acid Biologic Value (BV) Capsaicin Carotenoids Candida Carbohydrate Cruciferous vegetables Digestive enzymes Diuretic Dysbiosis Enzymes Essential Amino Acids Ellagic Acid Fat Flavonoids Free Radicals Food Allergy Food Intolerance Gluten Glycemic Index (GI): Glucosamine Glucosinolates Hypoglycemia HCAs Isoflavones Lignans Lutein Lycopene Minerals Parboiled rice Peristalsis Phytochemicals Prebiotics/Probiotics Protein Psyllium Sulforaphane Stevia Transit Time Tryptophan Vegetarian Vitamins Water-soluble   Acidophilus: Acidophilus, also known as Lactobacillus acidophilus, is...
No Time for Healthy Eating? Think Again

No Time for Healthy Eating? Think Again

We’ve all been there. The first rays of the morning sun are streaming in through the window, the dog is barking and you’ve already...
Naturally Savvy

L-Tryptophan: Nutrient

As the amino acid the brain uses to make serotonin, melatonin, and niacin, L-Tryptophan, plays a key role in regulating the sleep wake cycle....
Does a Plant Based Diet Ensure I’ll Never Have a Heart Attack?

Living Raw: Eating Like Nature Intended

Hi. I'm Wayne Gendel and I am a Living Raw Foodist! I am thrilled to have joined the Naturally Savvy team to tell you...
Regenerative Sleep

Regenerative Sleep

Normally we are in 1 of 2 functioning states, active or regenerative. Our bodies repair, rebuild and regenerate when we are sleeping. Degenerative diseases,...
Worry Free From Cholesterol

Worry Free From Cholesterol

A study of 12-year olds showed a build-up of plaque in their arteries. We already know high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are associated...
Sea Salt Part 2

Sea Salt Part 2

Most "sea salt" is essentially the same as regular table salt - it is a refined salt. The term "sea salt" means the salt...
Salt: Is It Good or Bad for Us? Part 1

Salt: Is It Good or Bad for Us? Part 1

Background on Salt The Bible contains nearly 50 references to salt, for example: the requirement of adding salt to a grain offering (Leviticus 2:13). Historically,...

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