
Preventing Ear Infections with Proper Nutrition

Preventing Ear Infections with Proper Nutrition

Ear infections are the most common pediatric complaint today. Most children will have had at least one ear infection by the time they reach...
Natural Heartworm Prevention for Pets

Natural Heartworm Prevention for Pets

Each year when spring approaches, many veterinarians start talking about heartworm testing and/or prevention for family pets. Heartworm is a parasitic roundworm-Dirofilaria Immitis-that is spread...
Protect Your Pet From Ticks, Fleas, Other Parasites

Protect Your Pet From Ticks, Fleas, Other Parasites

Most animals love to frolick in the forest, but they could bring home an uninvited guest that can wreak havoc on their health. Ticks, fleas...
Foods to Help Toddlers Sleep

Foods to Help Toddlers Sleep

Toddler years are very busy for both children and their parents. This period of continuous exploration and intense movement also requires proper downtime and...
Infertility Around the World

Infertility Around the World

When I was walking through the mall the other day, I overheard a stressed young mother offhandedly comment to her two preschoolers who were...
Treat and Prevent Doggy Hot Spots with a Raw Diet

Treat and Prevent Doggy Hot Spots with a Raw Diet

Hot spots, also known as “pyotraumatic dermatitis” or “superficial pyoderma” are skin infections caused by an overgrowth of skin’s normal bacteria. Dogs suffering from hot...
Fat Is Vital to a Healthy Pregnancy

Fat Is Vital to a Healthy Pregnancy

Fat gets a bad rap, and it's mostly undeserved. The bad reputation started in the ’70s and ’80s, when the predominant belief claimed that...
How to Introduce Your Dog to Raw Food

How to Introduce Your Dog to Raw Food

Many people may be interested in feeding their dogs a raw diet, but most of those people are probably unsure how to make the...
A Healthy, Natural School Lunch is Easy

A Healthy, Natural School Lunch is Easy

As you cruise down the supermarket aisles with kids asking for all sorts of junk for their school lunches, it can be difficult to...
Tools for Dealing with Post-Partum Depression

Tools for Dealing with Post-Partum Depression

Post-partum depression is defined as the depression that strikes a parent-usually the mother-upon the birth of a child. It can range from mild depression...

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