Most people are aware that protein is a vital component of a healthy diet.
Protein is made up of amino acids, which are essential for a countless number of metabolic functions in the human body. For example, amino acids are needed for optimal immune function, tissue growth and repair, and to catalyze important enzymatic reactions in the body. The most well known high-protein foods come from animal sources, such as chicken, beef, fish and eggs. However, if you choose to follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, then you need to get a little more creative to ensure you’re getting enough high-quality protein in your diet. Soya, hemp and brown rice protein supplements are three of the best plant-based protein sources available and each provides a variety of health benefits.
Soya Protein
Soya is a great source of protein for vegans because it’s considered a complete protein source, which means it provides all the essential amino acids needed for optimal human health. As a matter of fact, soya protein intake is correlated with healthier cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of heart disease. Soya protein is especially popular with women, and for good reason! Research shows that regular consumption of soya protein can increase bone mineral density and improve the rate of bone turnover in peri- and post-menopausal women. Soya protein is also an excellent source of calcium, iron, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber. Be sure to purchase a brand that is organic or GMO-free.
Hemp Protein
Most vegans and vegetarians include some type of hemp product in their diet. Hemp is considered the best of all plant-based proteins because it’s a complete protein source and contains all the essential amino acids your body requires. Hemp also contains edestin and albumen proteins, which are similar in structure to the proteins that naturally occur in your body. Since much of hemp’s protein resembles that found in the human body, it’s very easily digested. In addition, hemp protein is high in fiber and essential fatty acids (EFAs), and a good source of many important vitamins and minerals. Hemp is also one of the least allergenic protein sources in the world and can help boost your immune system, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and even support weight loss.
Brown Rice Protein
Just like hemp, brown rice protein is also one of the least allergenic protein sources in the world. However, unlike hemp, brown rice protein is not a complete protein source and does not contain all the essential amino acids. That being said, brown rice protein still provides several health benefits and is a great source of protein for vegans and vegetarians and those who are allergic to soya or dairy products. Brown rice protein is also rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber.
The Last Word on Vegan Proteins
If you think you could use a little extra protein in your diet and you’re having trouble finding different options then give soya, hemp and brown rice a try! Plant-based protein supplements are a convenient way to help you get more top-quality protein in your diet to support optimal health.
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