Still holding onto a little extra holiday weight? Have you been meaning to get to the gym?
Let Naturally Savvy be your motivator to start eating better, losing weight and feeling great! Naturally Savvy has designed a weight loss program for 6 willing partcipants, which will last for 9 months. Watch part 1 of 4 in the weight loss series.
Stay tuned, there is more to come…
With any effective weight loss plan, consider three areas of health:
- Nutrition
- Exercise & Program Variety
- Emotional health
As well, consider supplementing your healthy eating plan with high quality products. For The Naturally Savvy Weight Loss Challenge, our participants are losing weight with the help of some natural products. Let Naturally Savvy provide you with options that work when it comes to weight loss. Remeber, when you give your body high-quality fuel to run on, it thanks you in more ways than one.
Let's take a look at the natural products our partcipants are using to lose weight and see what products work for you:
- Organic Weetabix Whole Grain Cereal
- HealthE Sweet & HealthyE Salt
- Genuine Health Multi+Daily Trim, Continual Cleanse, & o3mega+ joy
- North Coast Naturals Powdered Whole Food Drink Mixes
- Bach Emotional Eating Support Kit
- PGX Daily (reduce cravings & regulate blood sugar levels)