I thought I'd interrupt this week of comtemplation that you're all having after The Swellbeing Project, to talk quickly about a book I came across recently called The Phytozyme Cure…oh and there will be a giveaway at the end!
As you know – I'm a big fan of the plant based fare and I'm also a firm believer that we can not only prevent major illness through our diet alone, but we can treat it. Hence the reason I am working towards becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I also realize that the world of nutrition can be a scary one at times and with information constantly bombarding you, it's tough to know what is right for you.
The thing that really grabbed my attention about this book was that it recognized the importance of have a specific, natural nutrition plan based on your body's needs and/or ailments. It targets 30 specific health conditions from allergies to yeast infections, and takes a completely natural & food based approach to healing using the phytonutrients & enzymes found in our foods. Being one of North America's leading natural health experts, author Dr Michelle Cook has witnessed the powerful effects of using phytonutrients & enzymes to aid in weight loss, prevent & reverse heart disease & cancer. The real key that she focuses on in the book is that you need to have these powerhouses working in the right combination to fight whatever is ailing you.
The best thing about this book is that you can easily navigate it based on your needs. The Table of Contents organizes the 30 health conditions so you can easily turn to see what foods you should be focusing on and in what combinations. So say for example, you're suffering from psoriasis. Here's what you would do:
– Turn to page 233 because that's what the Table of Contents told you to do 🙂
– Read a quick background paragraph on why you're probably suffering
– Learn that you should be drinking more water to flush your bowels, supplement with probiotics, avoid sugars, drink more veggie juices, avoid gluten & dairy products, increase your omega 3s, leafy greens, beans, garlic & drink aloe vera juice. She also explains a specific enzyme formula to take the help your body break down your food for further healing.
– Easy right? Well – I know ….
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