It’s here: 5G (5th generation) technology and more and more people are concerned about EMF (electromagnetic fields) and the wide variety of symptoms and health problems associated with it. Although 5G is not the only source of EMF (also referred to as EMR, or electromagnetic radiation), its emergence has highlighted this health concern.
Not everyone agrees EMF poses a danger to health, including some healthcare professionals, but a growing body of research suggests otherwise. Therefore, we would like to provide you with information you can use to help you identify EMF symptoms and then explore some natural ways to clear your body and personal environment of this hazard.
Read about 10 ways to protect yourself from EMF exposure
EMF radiation
Certain types of devices, such as cell phones, microwaves, cell phone towers, power lines, cordless phones, appliances, WiFi routers, baby monitors, Bluetooth headsets, and shared internet connections all emit radiation. The two biggest offenders are cell phones and microwaves, because we tend to use or be close to these items much of the time. In fact, some people can’t stand to be without their cell phone in their pocket or purse, where it continues to send out radiation day and night.
Avoiding EMF exposure can be challenging, and when you look at the list of common items that send out this form of radiation, it’s easy to understand why. That’s why we want to talk about how to mitigate exposure as well as provide some natural ways to detox from it.
Symptoms of EMF exposure
Signs and symptoms often associated with EMF exposure include headache, lowered resistance to bacterial and viral infections, weakened immune system, accelerated aging, mood disorders, and anger. EMF exposure alters your melatonin and serotonin balance, which can result in insomnia, inability to concentrate, fatigue, and depression. In addition, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has concluded that EMFs “should be regarded as possible carcinogens.”
Detoxing and protecting from EMF exposure
A quick lesson on positive and negative ions can better help you understand EMF exposure. Basically, ions are particles that have either a positive or negative electrical charge. Negative ions are healthy and serve many important purposes, such as improving digestion, keeping serotonin levels in a healthy range (which promotes sleep and good mood), keeping the nervous system in balance, and accelerating recovery times.
Positive ions, on the other hand, are associated with ill health. They are found in food additives, acid rain, exhaust, and EMFs. Our “job” is to avoid positive ions as much as possible and best manage whatever exposure we do have.
Here’s a chance to seek out the negative for a positive result! Below are more than a dozen ways to detox and protect yourself from EMFs and their impact on your health.
Foods and supplements for EMF detox
Various foods and supplements can help provide support against exposure to and the bodily burden of EMF. Take the supplements according to package directions.
- Blue-green algae. Two of the most detoxifying foods you can consume are chlorella and spirulina. Both assist in drawing heavy metal toxicity, pesticides, and other contaminants from the body. Enjoy chlorella and spirulina in green shots, added to smoothies, or in supplement form.
- Propolis. This sticky bee-produced resin has powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Because bees cannot tolerate man-made radiation and they use propolis to seal their hives, it’s been suggested the resin may offer some protection.
- Turmeric/curcumin, black pepper, and ginger. This antioxidant combination also has anti-inflammatory powers. Because this mixture can be stimulating, do not take it before bed. It is available as a supplement or you can create your own juice shot. Place 1 small peeled orange, 2 small peeled lemons, ¼ cup each chopped fresh turmeric and fresh ginger, and 1/8 teaspoon fresh black pepper in a juicer or blender and pulse till smooth. This makes two servings.
- Rosemary. The extract of this herb may help the body deal with daily EMF exposure to the brain and body. Because rosemary has a calming effect, it can be taken before retiring.
- Selenium and iodine. Both of these minerals are antioxidants and also aid the function of the thyroid gland. Iodine is known to protect against radioactive radiation and also is protective against EMF.
- Zinc. In animal research, the use of zinc supplementation helped reduce the negative effects of EMF. The recommended dose for women is 8 mg and for men, 11 mg.
- Other antioxidants: Vitamins C and E as well as glutathione and astaxanthin are suggested antioxidants that can help melatonin eliminate free radicals that are created by exposure to EMF.
- Calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This trio of minerals is key for handling stress and cellular metabolism. Daily recommended intakes are:
- Calcium, 1,000 mg for men and women
- Magnesium, 310-320 mg for women, 420 mg for men
- Potassium, 2,600 mg for women, 3,400 mg for men
If your food intake doesn’t meet these recommendations, then a supplement can help.
Read about grounding and how your health can benefit
- Earthing (Grounding). We are extremely fortunate to live on the biggest negative ionic charge of all: the Earth. That’s why earthing, aka grounding, is a great way to detox from EMF exposure. Walking barefoot on natural ground, such as grass, sand, and rocks allows your body to absorb electrons and help banish electromagnetic radiation.
- Airplane mode. This is not a detox technique but a preventive one. If you put your cell phone on airplane mode, it is not pulling in a signal, which means you are avoiding positive ions. It takes only a few seconds to switch back to full-service mode.
- Avoidance. You can avoid or significantly limit your exposure to EMF by following a few simple guidelines:
- Don’t carry your phone against your body. Cell phones are a significant source of EMF exposure. Distance yourself from the phone or turn it to airplane mode.
- Turn off your WiFi router. At night and extended periods during the day, you can turn off your router when it’s not in use.
- Limit your use of smart items, such as smart speakers and home security devices. These devices emit EMF.
- Monitor your child’s smartphone use. Children are more vulnerable to bodily damage from EMF radiation than are adults. Pay particular attention to EMF in a child’s environment.
- Use WiFi calling. WiFi emits much less power than does a smartphone connection. You should still be able to send and receive messages and phone calls but without as much radiation exposure.
Bottom line
Electromagnetic fields are everywhere but that doesn’t mean you can’t significantly reduce your exposure and help your body best manage the positive ions that are around you. Both natural supplements and lifestyle changes can help protect you against this harmful type of radiation.