5 Steps To Prevent Atherosclerosis
The word strikes fear in the hearts of men and women. It is defined as the hardening and clogging of arteries, leading to cardiovascular...
Meditation May Reduce Chronic Inflammation
Relief from chronic inflammatory conditions could come from an unsuspecting source: your own mind. New research published in the January issue of the journal...
Skip the Nightcap: Alcohol's Impact on Sleep
It may be your favorite way to end an evening, but you just might want to skip the nightcap as new research shows that...
Exercise Recovery And Muscle Growth
We all know about the importance of physical exercise and sticking to a scheduled workout regimen. It's kind of been driven into our heads...
Herbal Lymphatic System Tonic Recipe
During the cold slowness of winter, we typically become less active, even in generally pleasant climates like Los Angeles, where it can regularly dip...
Female Herbal Menstrual Tonic Recipe
Being a modern woman certainly has its perks, whether you're a fan of stilettos or not. We do it all: work, mom, friend, community...
High-End Human Drugs Fed to Livestock
A recent story in TIME magazine highlights a growing issue in our food system: the use of high-end human drugs in livestock animals.
After Chinese...
Natural Menopause Remedies
Being a woman is not easy and going through menopause is challenging even for the best of us. Embracing the change enables you to...
The Flu Shot Is Not As Effective As You Think
Flu season is in full throttle right now. You may feel healthy as you're reading this but the chances are pretty good that you...
Tamara Rubin Interview
When I bought my house a year and a half ago, I had it tested for many things, including EMFs, dirty electricity, radon, VOCs...