
Are You a Poser? Get Enlightened with Yoga!

Are You a Poser? Get Enlightened with Yoga!

Some people think of yoga as a physical practice consisting of poses including: Warrior, Triangle, Downward Facing Dog and Upward Facing Dog. In fact,...
First Do No Harm: The Ahimsa Principle in Yoga

First Do No Harm: The Ahimsa Principle in Yoga

As discussed in “Are You A Poser: Get Enlightened With the Eight Limbs of Yoga”, The physical practice of yoga is just one of...
"Asteya": The Yoga Practice of Non-Stealing

"Asteya": The Yoga Practice of Non-Stealing

The physical practice of yoga is one of eight parts of a total system, the goal of which is enlightenment  (i.e., transcending all “thought”...
What's Your Healthy Morning Routine?

What's Your Healthy Morning Routine?

Everyone has their own variation on a morning routine. Depending on your schedule or lifestyle, morning routines can come in a lot of different...

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