Sometimes you just connect with people. Megyn Price happens to be one of those people. Extremely funny (as you probably already know from seeing her on the hilarious CBS series, "Rules of Engagement"), witty and a total organic fan, I chatted with Megyn to learn more about her affinity for the lifestyle I (and you) know and love.
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): When did your love for wholesome, natural and organic foods first develop?
Megyn Price: When I was a kid. My mom made our lunches and cooked our meals every day-that was my normal. Fast food didn’t exist in our home. I didn’t even know what McDonald’s was until I was in high school!
My mother’s grandmother ran a restaurant and cooked and served all her own food. Back then food was more so organic than it is today because there weren’t as many pesticides and chemicals. I come from a lineage of women who loved to cook and taught their families the importance of eating healthy and nutritious foods together as a family.
It’s funny because I get very confused when people talk about organic as a ‘new chic Hollywood thing’. I grew up with it so it’s not new to me. My parents always had a compost pile and these giant melons would grow out of it. We would dump it at the end of every day and I learned early on the value of food and how not to waste it.
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): Even though you were raised with eating unprocessed, organic foods, did you continue to eat that way as you grew older?
Megyn Price: It was normal for me to eat organic foods when I was younger, but when I moved to L.A., I got caught up in the "no fat" WAIT "no carb" WAIT "no fill-in-the-blank" fads that fill our crazy society. It's like we don't have a food culture — we have a NO food culture, in which entire food groups are condemned, based on the fear of getting fat. Meanwhile, Americans are the fattest people in the world. Go figure. The big realization for me came about five years ago when my husband and I spent some time in France. We went to the local farmers' markets, cooked, read 1,000 books, ate cheese and sausages, and put sugar in our coffee. Despite all this, weaccidentally lost 10 lbs! We were astounded. When we were back in LA I said to my husband that we need to think of our bodies as cars. What we put into our bodies by the way of food, is what we get out of it by the way of energy, health and physical activity. In France, although we ate high fat, high caloric foods, we ended up eating less because we felt more satiated by eating real, unprocessed foods.
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): Who would you say, other than your immediate family, has inspired you to live healthier?
Megyn Price: I would say Dr. Andrew Weil and Michael Pollan who wrote The Omnivore's Dilemma. I have taken advice from both of them in terms of physical health. From Dr. Andrew Weil I learned to take a news break ? meaning to stop being a news junky and don’t keep it on all day long in the house. Michael Pollan reminded me to remove everything from our house that was processed.
I think Carolyn Myss is my greatest influence, in terms of spiritual well-being, which, by the way, I think is an absolutely integral part of overall health. Our brains and guts are very, very powerful.
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): I heard you love to cook using organic foods. Tell me a little bit about your passion and where you like to shop for food.
Megyn Price: I love to cook and so does my husband. We both have so much fun in the kitchen. We prefer to eat at home rather than going to a restaurant unless it’s for Sushi. People think we must spend hours preparing food, but, in fact, it’s much quicker to prepare your own food than it is to get take out. We have several meals we make that are fast and nutritious. In fact, I’ll share this great recipe with you.It only takes 15 minutes to make and it’s great for winter.
Beans, Sausages & Greens
(serves four)
- 1 package of organic sausages, sliced (I like a Roasted Red Pepper, Chicken Sausage at Whole Foods, but you can use whatever you like)
- 1 carrot, chopped
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 1 bunch of kale (I like lacinato or cavolo nero), washed, stems removed and chopped roughly
- 1 can rinsed, drained beans (chickpeas, cannelini, kidney, whatever you have on hand)
- 1-2 c. chicken or vegetable stock
- Really good Parmigiano Reggiano for topping
- Smoked Paprika for seasoning
In a large saucepan, over medium heat, coat the bottom of the pan with olive oil and sear the sausages with the carrot & onion until brown. At this point, you can add some smoked paprika, if you like that flavor — I LOVE it. Toss in the kale and let cook for about a minute. Dump in the beans and the stock and let simmer until the kale is tender — about five minutes. Season to taste with salt & pepper. Ladle the mixture into bowls and top with lots of parmesan. Enjoy!
I live in the city and country so I have the best of both worlds. I love to shop at different farmer’s markets and I go to a few that aren’t that far outside of town. During the summer, I love picking my own blueberries. In fact, picking them yourself is much cheaper than buying them in the store. In July, you can buy a pound (not a pint) for $3.00! We took our daughter blueberry picking this year, and she loved it. In fact, when I was nine months pregnant, I craved blueberries so badly that I laid on the ground to pick them because I couldn’t bend down. I discovered that’s where the BEST blueberries are! My husband kept saying my daughter was going to come out blue and funny enough she loves blueberries…
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): Do you believe in using any holistic therapies?
Megyn Price: I started doing triathlons this year and have had some chronic injuries related to the intense training, so instead of taking Tylenol I’ve been going to an Acupuncturist and a Holistic Therapist. I started putting turmeric into my food and eating more olive oil because they both have anti-inflammatory properties.
I was filming a movie in Calgary a few years back I had an injury so I went walking to a bookstore to read up on some ways to help myself. I met a woman there who asked me if I had heard of Reiki Therapy and if I’d be open to trying it. I did and my pain disappeared. It really works!
For times when things are more systemic, like digestive issues, I believe in finding the cause and using alternative remedies to treat the underlying problem, rather than just taking a pill for the symptoms.
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): You mentioned you started doing triathlons this year. What inspired you?
Megyn Price: I feel it is a huge thing for women to have a goal which isn’t about how they look. I think that doing something that’s physically goal oriented is so important (especially in the industry I’m in). Since I’ve been training, I’m stronger and more capable than I’ve ever been in my whole life, and I love setting that healthy example for my little girl.
I motivate myself by setting short term goals so I can obtain tangible results.
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): How do you maintain balance in your life?
Megyn Price: I think I have the BEST job in the whole world. Sitcoms shoot three weeks on and one week off so I have a week off each month to spend mostly with my family. My husband co-ordinates his schedule as well, so each week my daughter gets two amazing daddy days. Of course, I'm jealous of his days, but I’m also home for breakfast and dinner even when I'm working, so that helps.
Another important way we stay balanced in by getting out of L.A. a few times a month — which is great.
Naturally Savvy Guide (Andrea Donsky): Thanks Megyn. Watch Megyn on the hit CBS show "Rules of Engagement". Check your local listings for the day and time.