A Starbucks Eggnog Latté has trans-fats and 42 grams of sugar in a tall! Yikes. Here we brew our own version of an Eggnog Latté that skips the trans-fats and you can control how much sugar it has. This is a great healthier version of a holiday treat.
4 ounces of boiling water
1 expresso
4 ounces unsweetened dairy-free beverage
1 Bigelow Eggnogg'n Tea Bag
½ tsp honey (optional)
dusting of nutmeg
1. Boil 4 ounces of water.
2. Add Bigelow Eggnogg'n Tea Bag to boiling water and let brew for 3-5 minutes.
3. While steeping boil dairy-free milk.
4. Mix tea and milk together. You can mix them with a frother to create foam.
5. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Enjoy!
Delicious and Hydrating Superfood Lattés
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