Green Eggs and Roasted Potatoes

Green Eggs and Roasted Potatoes

This easy breakfast is a great way to sneak some green goodness into your meal. Spinach is packed with nutrition, and eggs provide ample protein to help you get your day started.


4 eggs

1 ½ cups spinach

¼ cup water

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2 medium sized potatoes

2 tbsp Maison Orphée grapeseed oil

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1 tomato, diced

½ avocado, diced

salt and pepper, to taste

blackberries, to garnishRead: 13 Reasons to Eat Berries (Right Now!)


Toss potatoes in oil and season with salt. Roast at 450 F for 20 minutes. Toss in minced garlic and broil on high for 5 minutes. Combine water and spinach in a blender. Fold into eggs and cook as usual. Garnish with tomato and avocado, and serve with blackberries.

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